Objective: To share and interpret visual culture between American (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire) and Latvian (Latvian Culture College) students that stretches scholarly and professional boundaries of photographic vision and personal understanding. Contact: kelleyja@uwec.edu
Monday, March 15, 2010
A supplementary project--introduction
Idea of logo
I am the author of logo for this project. By coincidence I also happen to be a student of Culture College of LatviaJ
First, I am really happy to be a part of this all, the idea is great!! And I wanted to wish all best for photography students and the most important – lots of creativity and original ideas!
So, what about the logo. It took some time to generate the idea – I wanted it to be meaningful enough. Also it had to include something about media used mainly – photography. I was thinking a lot about the name of project – what does mean „perception”? Even more – many different perceptions?
And I ended up with idea, that it is something individual. Point of view, way of seeing things. And to be more specific, in this case – point of view that is based on cultural differences.
So how do you reflect such vast and abstract thing? The visualisation/logo had to be abstract too, so each of viewers can think upon their own meaning of it. By drawing such THING I can suggest just few meanings, sharing and showing my own cultural perception. Well, to give insight in my perspective – i would say it looks either like a cartoon eye (which is one of means, how we can perceive the world around us. In this project, I would say, the most important of them all. Why cartoon? Because it describes modern popular culture a lot...). And another, even more important symbol hidden in this logo, could be simple egg. Beginning of everything, birth of ideas and culture itself. Does it make any sense?
So have a nice day, people!
P.S.What do YOU see in this logo?